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Sisters Supporting Sisters | Find Your Identity In Christ

  • 13 Lumsden Street, Greerton Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, 3110 New Zealand (map)
You Are Altogether Beautiful My Darling There Is No Flaw In You
— Song of Solomon 4:7.

Event Details

10 July 2021
1.00PM - 7.00PM

13 Lumsden Street,
Bay Of Plenty 3112
New Zealand

Meals will be served ($10.00 worth) & you are welcome to leave a KOHA at the entrance.


Adesayo Adelo

I am an Author, Preacher, Teacher, Influence Coach and Peak Performance Speaker. I have a Doctoral degree in Health Science from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; a Masters of Social Work from Lagos State University, Nigeria and a B.Ed of Guidance and Counselling from University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


It is necessary for the kingdom of God to advance in the hurting world we live in and in the entire body of Christ but for any real progress to be made, each one of us must understand and walk in the power of our identity.

Historically, women have been taught to seek identity in social media, relationships, career, kids, money, books, and magazines, through spiritual leaders, or through our husbands. We have been broken down by all kinds of abuses. We have been marginalized, denied our place of relevance, and categorically made to embrace a lowered self-esteem rather than powerful confidence. We seek identity everywhere but in Jesus Christ the author and creator of our identity.

Each woman must walk in the atmosphere shifting power of our identity in Christ to change our homes, influence our communities, and change our nations.

So, why is it so hard for us to embrace our authentic identity? Why do we try to fit ourselves into the shape of who we "should be" instead of embracing who we are? Why is it hard for you and me to see ourselves as someone who is marvellously designed by an artistic Creator?

Your worth and identity are not found outside of you instead they are much like a gift, you carefully unwrap the layers, that keep it hidden and reveal a glorious treasure, waiting patiently inside, whole and perfect.

During this conference you will learn:

·      How to have a strong sense of identity.

·       What it takes to know your place in the world.

·       How to envision a future that looks different to your present.

·      There is more to life than you are currently engaged with.

·       How to be content and comfortable with the person you are.

Overall, you will be encouraged to —find, reclaim, and walk powerfully and boldly in your identities as determined by God.


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Earlier Event: 31 March
Live Bible Study
Later Event: 18 December
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