Our Vision Statement:

“To see God restore you and others through you”

Our Mission Statement:

“To bring people from all walks of life and backgrounds into personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Our Values:


We embrace people from all walks of life and backgrounds and we go out of our way to make them feel cared for, loved and accepted into the family of God. Why? Because God loves and cares
for us, so we love and care for others. 1 Pet 4:9 


We demonstrate warmth by our enthusiasm, affection and kindness to everyone. Why? Because God is generously kind to all and we follow His example. (Romans 10:12)

We encourage spiritual friendships through connect groups so that everyone is supported by a close community to journey through life. Why? Community is God’s heart for people and a
healthy place to love, learn and grow. (Acts 2:42-47)


We prioritize enthusiastic thanksgiving and praise and heartfelt worship. Why? Because God is looking to connect to and live with true worshippers. (John 4:23-24)

We live our lives as worship offerings to God. Why? Because God calls us to give ourselves as living and holy sacrifices to God in worship. (Romans 12:1-2)


We promote that which edifies others spiritually, socially, mentally and physically. Why? God’s heart is for wholeness and health in all areas of life (Heb 10:24/ Suggested: 3 John 1:2)

We believe everyone has God-given gifts and talents to discover, develop and fulfill their purpose. Why? God in His generous grace has given to us all gifts and talents to fulfill our purpose for His
glory. (1 Peter 4:10)

We desire everyone to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to go bear fruit for God’s Kingdom. Why? Because God desires growth and fruitfulness in our lives to glorify Him.
(John 15:8, 16)

World Mission Focused

We work together with God in His mission to bring the good news to the world.

Why? Jesus commanded us to make disciples from all nations, baptize and teach them all that He commanded (Matthew 28:19-20)